4-day travel log
My wife’s cousin was getting married in Toronto. Since none of the Korean family members were able to fly down to Toronto, my wife and I went there to represent them all. Although I could have made this trip much shorter, I wanted to make it a trip rather than just visiting a family member. So I took 2 days off work and flew down to Toronto.
April 27th
Vancouver (YVR) -> Toronto (YYZ) -> Sheppard and Yonge
The flight to Toronto was at 6:30 AM so I had to get up around 5 AM. It was chilly in the morning so I had a sweater on. When I arrived at Pearson airport in Toronto, it was just past 2 PM. The weather was nice but it was literally hot. I felt similar feeling to how I landed in Las Vegas - heat wave hitting at me as soon as I walked out the plane. I regretted that I didn’t bring any shorts honestly. I took the Go Transit to “Sheppard and Yonge” subway station where I spent my days for the days in Toronto.
View of Vancouver from Westjet Flight
Toronto Go Transit
April 28th
Sheppard and Yonge -> Dundas -> Finch -> Sheppard and Yonge
There was an extra day to tour around Toronto. My wife already planned for where we should go for this day. We decided to take a subway to Dundas. When I arrived at the subway station, I noticed it would be best to use tokens to travel around as a visitor. I was surprised they still have people in the booth selling fares (I looked up on the internet, why. There I saw a sign where it says a token costs $3.25 to travel “once” to a destination which I thought it is pretty expensive compared to Vancouver, where the cost is cheaper and it’s valid for 3 hours. The sign also said 3 for $10 and “explicitly” listed 6 for $20. I am like.. what the heck? why not list out 9 for $30, 12 for $40, 15 for $50 and so on? I bought one token for the time being. When I arrived at Dundas, I noticed one of my favourite clothing shop, uniqlo. I had shopped there for about $160 which I thought they were pretty cheap for the good quality clothing. Outside of Dundas station, there were big signs everywhere which reminded me of time square at New York. It had a quite different feeling than Vancouver downtown. Then I rode the subway to Finch as there are many Korean stores located there and yes, there I saw loads of Korean stores located. I saw so many little signs in Korean where they reminded me of streets in Korea. We dropped by a restaurant called Huh Ga Ne. The food and the place maintained the quality despite the 24 hours/day operation. There I met my friend from Vancouver and her baby. Then I returned back to “Sheppard And Yonge” station.
Toronto Subway
At the Huh Ga Ne at Finch
April 29th
Sheppard and Yonge -> Old Mill -> Sheppard and Yonge
It’s the wedding day, the reason I came to Toronto. I got up regularly around 8-9 AM and went straight to have a breakfast downstairs. Then I caught myself talking with my wife’s elder relative from LA. He claimed he immigrated around 1975 as a doctor and it was quite interesting to hear all the stories as it was quite difficult to immigrate from Korea back in the 70s. I ended up spending 2 hours talking each other and it was time to leave to the wedding. We headed to Old Mill in Etobicoke where the wedding was supposed to happen. When I arrived at the wedding venue, I found out that the place name is actually “Old Mill Toronto”. It seemed like a popular place for the wedding as I noticed a couple of other couples getting married in the same day. The wedding started at 6 pm. There is a small chapel for the couple to get officially vow each other. After that, we had the Korean traditional wedding ceremony, Pyebaek. It reminded of my wedding I had in Korea where I had done the similar thing. My stomach was growling and I looked at my watch to find out it was almost 8 pm. We then headed to the reception downstairs. The steak was so tender and yummy as I was so hungry. The reception was very similar to any other Canadian Wedding. They played a little game after the first dance. The open bar made my night as usual
I ended up trying every kind of beer they serve which is like 7-8 different kinds. The dance floor opened up later that night. I danced hard just like any other drunken person. Well, I didn’t know anybody there except the people I met through my wife, and I was like what do I care and danced for like 1-2 hours straight then we drove back to our place. It was super fun, well, at least for me.
Bride from Wedding day
Groom and Bride, I DO!
Korean Traditional Ceremony, Pyebaek
First dance
April 30th
Sheppard and Yonge -> Toronto (YYZ) -> Vancouver (YVR)
Sadly, it’s the return day. My wife had a friend there who volunteered to get us the ride to the airport. We had a Samgyetang together for the lunch at the Koryo. It was really delicious compared to the ones we have in Vancouver. It really felt like a restaurant in Korea. Then we dropped by the Starbucks for a quick coffee. After that off to the airport! It was 5-hour flight, slightly longer than the flying to Toronto in. Just like any other trip, my wife and I said the same thing as entering our home, “Home sweet home. East or west, home is the best”.
Wife's friend on the way back
Koryo Samgyetang (Ginseng chicken soup)
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I am a passionate programmer working in Vancouver. I strongly believe in art of algorithms and together with it to write clean and efficient software to build awesome products. If you would like to connect with me, choose one from below options :) You can also send me an email at